Welcome to our first
Nidra Online Retreat!
We are very excited to have you join us on this only journey!. As you may know, this is the very first time that Andre agrees to teach in this format and we hope it can be a new avenue of support for students all around the world.
As in any other retreat, you get as much as you put in. While this is a retreat from the comfort of your homes, we understand that there can be many other distractions along the way. We kindly ask you to try your best to align your daily activities in a way that does not compromise the retreat container and your own process.
Technology can be a great aid if we are also able to understand its dangers. We advise you to take the necessary measures on the use of technology.
For this retreat, you will be required a laptop or smartphone to watch the Live sessions, be guided Live, write your personal reports and connect with your peers in small triads. It would be wise to set all other functions of your devices off/airplane mode and even turn off all notifications.
With that said, we truly wish you a serene and prosperous journey. Below you will find everything you need to know to carry on with this retreat actively and peacefully.
Below are all the easy access links you will be using for this retreat
Please, make sure you create an account on Zoom and one on Dropbox with the links below
- 2 Teachings Sessions
- Svadyaya (dyads and/or triads will be happening on separate private clouds www.dropbox.com and www.zoom.us.
** For this retreat we will require that create an account with those 2 free platforms if you don’t have them already.
- Q&As.
You can send questions to Andre daily, but only from DAY 1-5. Between 1pm-5pm Romania time (GMT+2)
Andre will review them all and select some to be answered during one of the live sessions the following day.
- Impact reports:
This space will be for you to write your process ANONYMOUSLY. It will help Andre to sense where the group is at. These reports will be shared publicly, with no names, within the closed group as a means for the students to find inspiration and support from the group itself.
IMPACT REPORTS LINK: https://www.amanecurated.com/nidra-online-retreat-romania
-7:15-8:30 PRANA KRIYA: We will practice Prana Kriya all together at the same time, each one by himself/herself. It is very important we all start at the same time together, being connected through space and time
There will not be any internet connexion during this time.
- 8:30 to 9:00: BREAKFAST - Remember to take a light breakfast. A simple hot drink, fruits, cereals ...
- 9:00 to 10:50: SITHILIKARANA/DHARANA 1 - The 5 Indriyas (1 per day): relaxation of senses organs + senses physiology, enhancing the perception of senses, physiology, brain areas sense memory stimulation
- 10: 50 to 11: 10: SVADHYAYA 1 - Each student will go alone in the given theme and will write down his/her perception
- 11:10 to 11: 40: SATSANGA - Questions & answer
- 11: 40 to 13:00: SITHILIKARANA/DHARANA 2 - Degrees of concentration, senses retraction, intuition stimulation
**Evening Svadyaya - 30 minutes. Time to be decided together with your group.
- SVADYAYA will be in already assigned groups 3. With a slightly different format.
Each one of you has already been added to your exclusive Svadyaya cloud on Dropbox, which you will be sharing with another two retreat peers.
In order to join in, you will have to be registered WITH THE SAME EMAIL YOU PROVIDED US WITH. (If you already have an account with a different email, please write us asap to knock@amanecurated.com)
-STEP 1.
Every day, before the morning break, Andre will share the theme to be discussed.
During the morning break, each student will record a 3 minutes video or audio of themselves with their laptop of mobiles. Eyes closed, same procedure as usual. Start speaking until the time is up.
You will have to use a timer yourself.
**We recommend you to download “meditation timer app” for Android or IOS or any of the like which have a gentle chime/gong which cn be played once, and allow time for Silence to reign again. Otherwise, a normal alarm would do.
Upload the video to the assigned Dropbox folder of your group(You will be provided with a link for this and also a video tutorial to assure you are on the right track).
You can upload the video at any free time during your day, yet, the earlier the better, so that your peers can also define their time for watching it)
Set a time with your group peers to:
a) Upload the video.
b) Meet online with them for a 30-40’ discussion.
For Example:
Record the video during the break, then upload the video before 2pm (so that your peers can decide when to watch within their own schedule). Then log in at 7pm ( or any other agreed time for group discussion).
WEB Camera position.
During the yoga Nidra Yoga, Andre would prefer that you place your laptop/camera near you.
Place the camera by the side of your body, try to frame your body from head to knees.
If that is not possible, any position where he can see your face and torso sideways would work.
Below you can find the Zoom Room Link, where ALL SESSIONS will be happening daily.
While you can still join the e-room without a Zoom account, later we will ask you to form Svadyaya groups of 3, for which you will need an account. So, make sure you make one before the retreat begins.
AMANEcurated is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Nidra Yoga Retreat March 26- April 1
Time: This is a recurring meeting. Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 977 4629
TIME: 9:00-13:00 (GMT+2) Romania time.